RAdwords 0.1.8
Google published a new version of the Adwords API (v201601). The latest RAdwords package (v0.1.8) enables an interface for R with the new API version. The old API version v201506 will be shut down on 11th April 2016.
RAdwords 0.1.8 release notes:
- Adwords API update to version 201601
- Sunset date of v201506 is 11.04.2016
- The statement() function now accepts both date formats: “20160101” and “2016-01-01”
- getData() earns new features:
- A check if the query/statement/reportType is valid, otherwise the raw API repsonse will be printed which is quiet useful for debbuging.
- With the verbose parameter you can control whether to print the curl connection output or not.
- It is possible to set the includeZeroImpressions option explicitly. Excluding zero impressions will increase download duration significantly.
Written on February 19, 2016